Tuesday, May 26, 2020

4 Reasons Why You Are Young Unemployed Graduate

4 Reasons Why You Are Young Unemployed Graduate 1. No. Of Applicants Per Job Is Very High Are you a young unemployed graduate or know someone who is? Or are you a graduate with a stop gap job and looking for the right opportunity? Do you want to know the reasons why you are a young unemployed graduate? Well, OK. Here are some honest reasons why you are a young unemployed graduate. Oh, and I am no expert in this area, but having analysed different scenarios and outcomes, I have boiled down to 4 main reasons. This post is written to help graduates and students, not berate them. 1. No. Of Applicants Per Job Is Very High Yes, this is one of the main reasons. The Western world is in recession, more graduates than ever before are graduating. There are fewer jobs and more applicants. What can you do about it? Nothing. You are a graduate, you shouldnt take the blame for what people (apparently with more experience! and knowledge) than you messed up. It does not mean you shouldnt try to get a job and lose the young unemployed graduate tag. But dont allow any tom, dick or harry self proclaimed internet expert tell you its your mistake! When rejections come in, theyre hard to take but you can read this post on how to get over job rejections. 2. Lack Of Relevant Work Experience It is generally accepted that one third of new graduates hired did an internship with that company. Around 75% of employed graduates have relevant work experience. So, look back, did you miss out on relevant work experience or internship? A part-time job is good, but practically it is tough to explain or sell skills gained through being a library patrol person to an interviewer for a mechanical engineering job. I know we say that any part time job is good, it absolutely IS, but in these times you need to be better than good. Try to get some work experience, weve started listing some vacancies on our student and graduate job site careergeekjobs.com . Remember, experience matters. It is a vital step in your journey from a young unemployed graduate to an employed one. 3. You Did Not Get Your CV Reviewed Call me daft, but Ive looked at numbers. Ive observed grads, Ive observed myself! You, me and other graduates think weve got a good CV, when we write one. I improved my success rate after CV review It is good for us. But your Careers Service advisers see 100s of CVs, theyve got the experience behind them. They know what sells and what doesnt. So, go to your careers service and get your CV reviewed. I had mistakes on my CV, when I first asked my Careers Service to review it, no wonder I never got interviews. The graph is from an old post of mine, when I was writing for my university careers service. Get your CV reviewed by a careers adviser and if not happy, knock on their doors again. Its better to trouble them and get the best results than you being knocked down and being a young unemployed graduate. 4. Lack of Knowledge of Applicant Tracking System This was one of the single most incremental factors on my success of reaching the later stages of graduate applications. I am still surprised how few careers advisers and experts really explain this system to students and graduates. As an engineer, there is nothing better than cracking a system! Applicant Tracking Systems are like robots who scan your CVs and applications and rate you, if you dont match the required criteria or attain the required score, its goodbye to your application, even before it is touched by a human being! I am going to explain this system in my next post, because it is very interesting and needs proper explanation. Anyway, lack of knowledge about how ATS works is one of the reasons why you are a young unemployed graduate. Young Unemployed Graduate So, these are the fundamental reasons why you are a young unemployed graduate. Look, I didnt write this post to tell you how rubbish you are, but genuinely, sometimes its good to put things in perspective. If you are clear on these 4 points and still unemployed, then I am sure some expert somewhere will sell you a billion dollar e-book on how to be employed. I dont do that, but I can offer you my post on Graduate and Unemployed? Try these to boost your calibre.   Feel free to tell me your comments and if there are any more reasons, let me know!  If you can share this post so it reaches out to more graduates, that would be awesome! 49

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